As you may or may not be aware, there are a wide range of general processes that are required for successful project management. However, in this blog we will discuss the importance of project scheduling and how doing it right can deliver a clear and effective plan, whilst rushing it or getting it wrong can cause major issues when your project gets underway.
Project scheduling contains the following:
To understand more, please read our other blog What is Project Scheduling?
Clear tasks and accurate pre-requisites are critical to a reliable schedule. Well setup tasks and pre-requisites can deliver a reliable and robust project plan which can then be properly resourced. However, if corners are cut or steps are missed, then inefficiencies can begin to creep into the project and these can quickly spiral if not properly controlled, especially on more complex projects.
Everything comes from the project schedule. An accurate project schedule will enable the project management team to precisely plan resource requirements and look for resource efficiencies within the project. For example, getting the same team to complete 2 tasks simultaneously or plotting alternative routes through the project schedule if there are delays with one task in order to maximise resource use and reduce delays. However, with a badly plotted project schedule, this type of work becomes virtually impossible. A project that has been baselined against a badly worked out schedule is almost certain to run over-budget and over time.
Accurate project scheduling is half the battle. It can therefore be seen that accurate project scheduling is half of the challenge of project management. Putting lots of time into getting the tasks clearly laid out and the schedule well thought through and well developed will increase the chances of success further down the line. Equally, it will help the management team understand the relationship between various tasks and how any potential issues within the project can be dealt with and addressed once the project is underway. Identifying the critical path is always a crucial part of project management theory, but taking this further to understand the ‘rainy day’ tasks or aspects of a project can also be hugely important in delivering efficient and reliable project management because it enables resources to be maximised rather than going to waste.
Time spent on setting up the project is NEVER WASTED!
It can therefore be seen that time spent working on the project schedule and getting it as accurate, detailed and then streamlined as possible is the best way to ensure successful project management. A well-structured schedule provides a clear map for the project to be delivered and enables managers to get a clear view on how best to use resources in the event of issues or delays occurring. A poor project schedule will often underestimate the time required to complete tasks, will not accurately plot pre-requisites, making resource planning and procurement an unreliable and risky affair.
In short, the better the project schedule, the more chance of success the project has and the easier it will be to manage!
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